Email: lipingxie1978@163.com
[1] 基于物理学原理的群体智能行为涌现机制与群体智能算法研究,国家青年科学基金,2015年1月至2017年12月,主持。
[2] 模拟生物群集智能的拟态物理学优化方法研究,省青年科技研究基金,项目编号:2011021014-1,2011年1月至2013年12月,主持。
(1) 专著:
[1] 谢丽萍,拟态物理学启发的群智能方法,电子工业出版社,2015,12.
[2] 参与编写国外著作一部。编写了与本项目相关的由Springer出版的书籍《Physicomimetics: Physics-Based swarm Intelligence》中的一章内容,章节如下:
[1]LiPing Xie. Artificial Physics Optimization Algorithm for Global Optimization (Section 18), Physicomimetics:Physics-Based swarm Intelligence[M]. Springer, Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Press, 2011: 549-573.
(2) 期刊论文:
[1] Xie, L.P., Zeng, J.C. and Jiao S.M. Swarm Collective Behavior Driven by Artificial Physics. Int. J. Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2016, Vol.11, No.1, pp.68-74.
[2] Xie, L., Zeng, J. and Yang, Q. (2015) ‘A predictable artificial physics optimisation algorithm’, Int. J. Computing Science and Mathematics, Vol.6, No.5, pp.459–470.
[3] Xie, L.P., Zeng, J.C. and Yin, J. (2015) ‘Different force laws driving artificial physics optimisation algorithm for constrained optimisation problem’, Int. J. Wireless and Mobile Computing, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp.290–299.
[4] Liping Xie, Jianchao Zeng, Richard A. Formato.Convergence analysis and performance of the extended artificial physics optimization algorithm, Applied Mathematics and Computation,2011,218(8),4000-4011.
[5] Xie, L., Zeng, J. and Formato, R.A. (2012)‘Selection strategies for gravitational constant G in artificial physics optimisation based on analysis of convergence properties’, Int. J. Bio-Inspired Computation, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp.380–391.
[6] Xie Liping, Tan Ying, Zeng Jianchao, Cui Zhihua.Artificial physics optimization: a brief survey [J], International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, October 2010, 2(5): 291-302.
[7] Xie Liping, Yin Jian, Zhang Hongli, Tan Ying. Mass functions design of artificial physics optimisation algorithm for constrained optimisation problem, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2013, Vol.46, pp.220-227.
[8] Xie Liping, Yang Gangjun, Zeng Jianchao, Cui Zhihua. Swarm robots search based on artificial physics optimisation algorithm, International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics, 2013,Vol.4, pp. 62-71.
[9] Xie Liping, Tan Ying, Zeng Jianchao, Cui Zhihua. The selection strategy of mass functions in artificial physics optimisation algorithm, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 2013,Vol.18, pp. 226-233.
[10] Xie, L., Yang, G. and Zeng, J. (2013) ‘The model of swarm robots search with local sense based on artificial physics optimisation’, Int. J. Computing Science and Mathematics, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp.222–230.
[11]谢丽萍, 曾建潮. 基于拟态物理学方法的全局优化算法[J], 计算机研究与发展, 2011,48(5):848-854.
[12] Xie Liping, Tan Ying, Zeng Jianchao, Cui Zhihua. The convergence analysis of artificial physics optimisation algorithm[J], Int. J. of Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp.536-554, 2011.
[13] 谢丽萍, 曾建潮. 受拟态物理学启发的全局优化算法[J], 系统工程理论与实践, 2010, 30(12):2276-2282.
[14] Xie, L.P., Zeng, J.C. The Performance Analysis of Artificial Physics Optimization Algorithm Driven by Different Virtual Forces[J], ICIC Express Letters (ICIC-EL), 2009,4(1):239-244.
[15] Xie Liping, Zeng Jianchao, Cui Zhihua.On mass effects to artificial physics optimization algorithm for global optimization problems[J], International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications (IJICA), 2009,2(2):69-76.
[16] 谢丽萍, 曾建潮. 面向群机器人目标搜索的拟态物理学方法[J], 模式识别与人工智能, 22(4): 647-652, 2009.
[17]谢丽萍, 周中余, 张春梅, 等. 基于APO的群机器人目标搜索仿真系统设计[J]. 美高梅官网4688学报, 2012, 33(6): 415-420.
[18]焦世民, 谢丽萍, 曾建潮. 一种基于拟态物理学的群集模型[J]. 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 2012,9(2):72-78.
[19] 张斐,谢丽萍, 曾建潮,谭瑛.一种混合一维搜索的矢量拟态物理学算法[J],美高梅官网4688学报,Vol.32,No.4,pp.337-341,2011.
(3) 会议论文:
[1] Xie, L.P., Zeng, J.C. and Cai X.J. A hybrid vector artificial physics optimization with multi-dimensional search method, Proceedings-2011 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications, 2011, pp.116-119.
[2] Xie, L.P., Zeng, J.C. A Hybrid Vector Artificial Physics Optimization for Constrained Optimization Problems, Proceedings - 1st International Conference on Robot, Vision and Signal Processing, 2011, pp.145-148.
[3] Xie, L.P., Zeng, J.C. A study on the effect of Vmax in Artificial physics optimization algorithm with high dimension, Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, 2011, pp.550-555.
[4] Xie Liping, Tan Ying, Zeng Jianchao The Convergence Analysis and Parameter Selection of Artificial Physics Optimization Algorithm[A], The 2010 International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC) [C], Okayama, 17-19 July 2010, pp:562-567.
[5] Xie, L.P., Zeng, J.C. A Global Optimization Based on Physicomimetics Framework[A], The 2009 World Summit on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (2009 GEC Summit)[C], Shanghai, 2009, pp.609-616.
[6] Xie Liping, Zeng Jianchao, Cui Zhihua. Using Artificial Physics to Solve Global Optimization Problems[A], The 8th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics (ICCI’09)[C], Hongkong, 2009, pp.502-508.
[7] Xie Liping, Zeng Jianchao. An extended artificial physics optimization algorithm for global optimization problems[A], Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC 2009) [C], Kaohsiung, Taiwan, December, 2009.
[8] Xie Liping, Zeng Jianchao, Cui Zhihua.The vector model of artificial physics optimization algorithm for global optimization problems[A], Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL 2009) [C], Spain, pp.610-617, September, 2009.
[9] Xie Liping, Zeng Jianchao, Cui Zhihua. General framework of artificial physics optimization algorithm[A], Proc. of the World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC'09) [C], Coimbatore, India, December, pp. 1321-1326.
[10] Yin Jian,Xie Liping, Zeng Jianchao,Tan Ying. Artificial Physics Optimization Algorithm with a feasibility-based rule for constrained optimization problems[A],Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent System(ICIS 2010) [C], Xiamen,China, pp.488-492,2010.
1. 教学项目
[2] 基于webshell的校园网络安全系统, 2016年校级大学生创新性实验项目, 指导教师。
[3] 网络安全扫描系统的设计与实现, 2016年校级大学生创新性实验项目, 指导教师。
[4]群机器人目标搜索系统仿真, 山西省普通高等本科学校大学生创新性实验项目,2011年07月- 2013年07月, 指导教师。
[5]基于项目任务驱动的程序设计类课程教学方法改革与实践, 2011年校级教研项目,第二负责人。
2. 获奖
(8)指导学生荣获2012年“蓝桥杯”全国软件专业人才设计与创业大赛 山西赛区 C/C++程序设计本科组一等奖
(9)指导学生荣获2012年“蓝桥杯”全国软件专业人才设计与创业大赛 山西赛区 C/C++程序设计本科组二等奖
(10)指导学生荣获2012年“蓝桥杯”全国软件专业人才设计与创业大赛 全国总决赛 C/C++程序设计本科组三等奖
3. 课程